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30 July 2024



Ukraine to increase grain exports to Russia

Russia is interested in additional supplies of maize, soybean and barley from Ukraine, declared Viktor Slauta, the Vice-Prime-Minister of Ukraine, on March 26.

According to V.Slauta, on April 6, he will visit Moscow for negotiations with Viktor Zubkov, the First Vice-Premier of Russia, the list of negotiation issues also includes the mentioned subject.

According to the Vice-Prime-Minister of Ukraine, Russia deals with active development of animal production, and is highly interested in grain supplies from Ukraine.

At the same time, Ukraine, which has grain carry-over stocks estimations at the end of the current MY at the level of 3.5 mln tonnes, plans to sell own grain surpluses in order to lower pressure at the grain prices of the new harvest, added V.Slauta.

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