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25 July 2024



Ukraine to import 400,000 tonnes of red meat

Red meat imports to Ukraine this year will not exceed 400,000 tonnes which is 130,000 tonnes lower compared to 2008, according to the Head of the Ukrainian State Committee of Veterinary Medicine, Pyotr Verbitsky...
According to Mr Verbitsky, one of the reasons of such a reduction in imports is closely related with reducing the issuance of import permits.
“The government's decision provided an opportunity to restrain imports by reducing the number of permits,” said Verbitsky.
In addition, the reduction of imports was mainly attributed to recent improvements in the Ukrainian veterinary system which allowed to prevent the supplies of low-quality imports to the country. “We have introduced an absolutely advanced control on high risk products such as by-products and offal," said Verbitsky.
He said that through such audits the government closed 16 companies in Ukraine due to their numerous violations. During inspections, more than 1,700 tonnes of low-quality meat products, as well as 4,600 tonnes of products were seized at meat processing plants and markets.
Meanwhile, according to earlier forecasts, red meat imports to Ukraine this year projected to reach 280,000 tonnes, which almost twice lower than in 2008.

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