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24 July 2024



Ukraine to annually supply 2-2.5 mln tonnes of maize to China as credit reimbursement - N.Prysiazhnyuk

Ukraine is obliged to annually supply 2-2.5 mln tonnes of maize to China as the credit reimbursement of 3 bln USD, which the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine reached an agreement with the Export-Import Bank of China to allocate for Ukraine, declared Nikolai Prysiazhnyuk, Minister of Agrarian Policy.

The signed memorandum provides allocation of 3 bln USD in 2013 to Ukraine by the Export-Import Bank of China. The parties signed the memorandum on June 28, 2012. Instead, Ukraine is obliged to annually export maize to China, he said.

The Minister said that according to the agreement with the Chinese party, the credits will be channeled to agrarians as working capital. According N.Prysiazhnyuk China also wants to get government guarantees on the credit program.

The Minister expressed the wish that these funds to be used to finance long-term projects for the import substitution of certain commodities, for example in the sectors of engineering industry or production of plant protecting agents.

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