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24 July 2024



Ukraine: soybeans to become the major export oilseed in 2012/13 MY

Soybean has the potential to become the major export oilseed crop in Ukraine in 2012/13 MY, forecasted Rodion Rybchinskiy, Head of the business-projects department of APK-Inform Agency, during the round table discussion "Harvest of oilseeds in Ukraine in 2012" on July 11.

According to him, in the new season soybean export volumes will bypass rapeseed exports for the first time since the independence of Ukraine. If in the current season the exports of the reporting oilseeds from Ukraine will be approximately at the equal level, then in 2012/13 MY the difference in the volume of exports will total nearly 600 thsd tonnes (1650 thsd tonnes against 1050 thsd tonnes) in favor of soybeans. In the medium-term prospect, the exports of soybeans will grow only, said the expert.

According to the forecast of analysts of APK-Inform Agency, in 2012/13 MY Ukraine will export approximately 3.47 mln tonnes of the major oilseeds, up 29% compared to 2011/12 MY.

By the end of next season the volume of domestic consumption of oilseeds in the country will total 10 mln tonnes, up 3% compared to the forecasted level of the current season.

Also, analysts of APK-Inform forecast that in 2012/13 MY Ukraine will reach the record levels of production and exports of sunflower oil - 3.7 mln tonnes, and 3.2 mln tonnes, respectively.

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