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28 July 2024



Ukraine: share of milling grains in the general grain harvest is 40% - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine estimates the share of milling grains in the general grain harvest -2011 at the level of 40%, feed grains – 6-%, said Nikholay Prysiazhnyuk, Minister of Agrarian Policy, on July 6.

According to him, the traditionally ratio of milling and feed grains totals 45% and 55%, respectively.

The Minister noted that the increase in the proportion of feed grains in the grain harvest is affected by adverse weather conditions.

N.Prysiazhnyuk stressed that the expected balances of wheat are not critical. Besides, to date stocks of milling grains in the Agrarian Fund total 1.46 mln tonnes and continues growing.

At the same time, the minister confirmed the previously announced forecast of grain production in 2011 - 45 mln tonnes, including 19.1 mln tonnes of wheat, 7.9 mln tonnes of barley, 15.5 mln tonnes of maize.



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