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01 September 2024



Ukraine produced 6.9 mln tonnes of grains – Ministry of Agrarian Policy

As of July 12, 2011, Ukrainian agrarians harvested early grains and leguminous plants throughout the areas of 2.4 mln ha (21%), and produced 6.9 mln tonnes of grains with the average yield of 28.4 c/ha (in 2010 - 24.3 c/ha), stated Nikolai Bezugly, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, on July 13.

According to him, agrarians provide harvesting works in all regions. Agricultural enterprises harvested winter barley throughout the areas of 1 mln ha (85% of the forecast), and produced 2.8 mln tonnes of the grain with the average yield of 27.8 c/ha (in 2010 - 23.2 c/ha). Agrarians harvested winter wheat throughout 1.1 mln ha (17% of the forecast), produced 3.5 mln tonnes of the grain with the average yield of 31.3 c/ha (in 2010 - 27 c/ha). Agrarians harvested spring barley throughout 205 thsd ha (8% of the forecast), produced 444 thsd tonnes of the grain with the average yield of 21.7 c/ha (in 2010 – 23.2 c/ha). Agrarians harvested peas throughout the areas of 81 thsd ha (29% of the forecast), and produced 108 thsd tonnes of the crop, the average yield – 13.4 c/ha (in 2010 - 16.9 c/ha). The country harvested winter rapeseed throughout the areas of 303 thsd ha (38% of the forecast), produced 398 thsd tonnes of the oilseed with the yield of 13.1 c/ha (last year - 14.9 c/ha).

N.Bezugly said that due to rains, 3-5% of crop sowings became damaged, and in several regions and households the figure reaches the level of 20%.

The rainy weather of recent weeks caused concerns about grain quality indicators. But the analysis showed that the quality of the first mln tonnes of wheat was good, said N.Bezugly. He added that 65% of the grain volumes is wheat of 1-4 grades, ie milling, the other – feed grains.

In general, the situation at the fields is satisfactory, the yield is 20% higher compared to the last year, he concluded.


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