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31 July 2024



Ukraine planning to join the Grain Convention

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine initiated Ukraine’s accession to the Grain Trade Convention by submitting an appropriate draft law (#0166 of April 29, 2010) to the Parliament.

An explanatory note to the draft law reads that Ukraine applied for membership in the International Grain Council in 1997 and obtained the status of a temporary member and an exporter participant. In 2009, the Council decided to prolong till June 30, 2010 the adoption of appropriate legislation to enable Ukraine’s joining the Grain Trade Convention.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Agrarian Policy received a letter from Ukraine’s Embassy in the United Kingdom reporting that the International Grain Council is ready to consider the issue of granting Ukraine full-fledged membership in the organization. It was pointed out that the draft law’s adoption and implementation will ensure Ukraine’s full-fledged membership in the International Grain Council.

This will contribute to expanding the opportunities Ukraine obtained as a result of its membership in the World Trade Organization, improve Ukraine’s access to European and global markets, and thereby development of its grain sector.




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