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31 July 2024



Ukraine: new standards of crop rotation fail to meet the modern agrarian technologies

According to Alexander Lavrinenko, the General Director of the agricultural holding Valars Group, the new standards of crop rotation, which the Government of Ukraine fixed, are out of accordance with the modern agrarian technologies.

For example, the United States grow maize during 50 years without changing lands, and it does not cause neither the lands fatigue nor yield decrease. The technologies do not stay on the same level, the ones, which were actual 10 years ago, are not actual to date, noticed A.Lavrinenko.

He also added that it is necessary to change the standards of crop rotation towards reduction of the terms. In privately, sunflower crop rotation should be reduced from 7 to 4 years.

As a reminder, on August 3, 2010, in order to protect agricultural soils, the Government signed the Decree #164, which established new crop rotation standards. According to the document, Ukrainian agrarians should grow sunflower throughout the same areas only in 7 years after the previous harvesting works, cabbage – in 6 years, rapeseed – in 3 years, maize – in 2-3 years.

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