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26 July 2024



Ukraine: milling wheat form 70% of the grain volumes – Ministry of Agrarian Policy

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine informed that the quality indices of harvested wheat continue improving. To date, specialists estimate the ratio of milling wheat to feed wheat at the level of 70% to 30%, though a few weeks ago the index totaled nearly 60% to 40%.

The certified grain storehouses received 9443.2 thsd tonnes of grains (28% of the produced volumes), including 6051 thsd tonne of wheat, 2099 thsd tonnes of barley, 67.9 thsd tonnes of peas, 64.7 thsd tonnes of rye. The stored wheat volumes include 14 thsd tonnes of 1-grade wheat (0.2%), 1057 thsd tonnes of 2-grade wheat (17.5%), 2415 thsd tonnes of 3-grade wheat (40%) 120.2 thsd tonnes of 4-grade wheat (2%), 738.4 thsd tonnes of 5-grade wheat (12.2%), 1642 thsd tonnes of 6-grade wheat (27.1%), according to data of the state grain inspections of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and oblasts of Ukraine.

In 2010, Ukrainian agrarians produced 17.7 mln tonnes of milling grains, or 45% of the general harvest, 21.5 mln tonnes of feed grains, or 55%.


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