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23 July 2024



Ukraine may retain oilseed exports in 2012/2013 at previous season's level

 Oilseed exports from Ukraine in the current marketing year may total 2.7 million tonnes, which is almost the same figure that was registered in the previous marketing year (MY), according to the Ukrainian Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry.

In the 2012/2013 MY (September through August), Ukraine is to export 200,000 tonnes of sunflower seeds (257,500 tonnes in the preceding season), according to the ministry.

Exports of rapeseed this agricultural year, which began in July and will end next June, are expected to weigh in at 900,000 tonnes versus 1.158 million tonnes a year earlier. Exports of soy (also July-June) are forecast at 1.6 million tonnes (1.24 million tonnes a year ago).

From July 1, 2012 to October 30, 2012, Ukraine exported 855,400 tonnes of rapeseed, 294,000 tonnes of soy, and almost 33,000 tonnes of sunflower seeds.

The ministry says that - according to the early figures - the country's rapeseed harvest this year will amount to 1.1 million tonnes, that of soy to 2.5 million tonnes, and that of sunflower to 7.5 million tonnes.

Ukraine is one of the world's biggest producers of oilseed crops and sunflower oil.

In the 2011/2012 MY Ukraine exported 2.65 million tonnes of oilseed crops.


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