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22 July 2024



Ukraine May 1 Grain Stocks Down 39% On Year

 Grain stocks in Ukraine on May 1 totaled 8.4 million metric tons, a fall of 39% on the year, the state statistics service reported Thursday.

Wheat stocks on the date totaled three million tons, barley stocks 0.9 million tons, corn stocks 3.7 million tons, rye stocks 200,000 tons.

Farmers held four million tons of grain, a fall of 35% on the year, including 1.1 million tons of wheat, 1.7 million tons of corn, 0.6 million tons of barley and 100,000 tons of rye.

The rest of the grain was held by grain storage and processing enterprises.

The agriculture ministry has said Ukraines 2012 grain harvest fell to 46.2 million tons from 56.7 million tons in 2011 because of drought 

  • Baker TILLY
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