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27 September 2024



Ukraine. Margarine export up

Over the past 9 years, Ukraine increased the export of margarine 117 times to 45,000 tons, UkrOilProm told UKRINFORM citing Stepan Kapshuk, director general of the association.

"Compared to 2000 when the export was 383 tons, last year 45,000 tons were supplied, which is 117 times more. This means that at the current moment the branch is developing, modernizing, and thus there are some perspectives", the UkrOilProm head says.

In his words, the growth of the margarine export owes to positive changes in the fat-and-oil industry, which shows rapid production rise and increasing exports.

Kapshuk also said the share of refined oil in the production structure has reached 25-30%.


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