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21 July 2024



Ukraine looking for new sugar markets


 Ukrainian sugar will be supplied to new markets, according to the Information and Analytical Bulletin of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

"The agriculture ministry sees the European market as one of the promising for the domestic sugar. In the framework of a free trade area between Ukraine and the EU, agreements have already been reached on the export quota, the volume of which is expected to reach 20,000 tons a year," the report says.

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, about 250,000 tons of sugar a year is supplied from Ukraine abroad in the form of confectionery. As a result of negotiations conducted by Ukraine to resolve contentious issues in preparation for the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU, which is scheduled for November this year, the European partners agreed to increase such deliveries to 300,000 tons and above.

According to the forecasts of the National Association of Sugar Producers (Ukrtsukor), in 2013-2014 marketing year (MY), our country will be able to put on the foreign markets 145,000-150,000 tons of sugar. This is 3.5-3.6% higher than the expected exports over the last MY.

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