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26 July 2024



Ukraine: in 2012 maize sowing areas to increase by 11% - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

In 2012 Ukraine will increase the sowing areas under maize by 11% to the level of nearly 4 mln ha, as opposed to 3.6 mln ha in the current MY, declared Alexander Demidov, Director of the department of farming agriculture of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

According to the state program “Grain – 2015", in 2015 the planned grain production volumes will total 80 mln tonnes, which will be achieved at the expense of increase of maize production, because to date the profitability of maize growing exceeds wheat production, and totals nearly 25%, said A.Demidov.

Besides, he said Ukraine will increase the sowing areas under sugar beet, soybeans and barley.


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