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17 July 2024



Ukraine: in 2008/09 season the carry-over stocks of grain to reach 7 mln tonnes

According to the President of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation (UAC) Leonid Kozachenko, the carry-over stocks of grain in Ukraine in 2008/09 season цwold reach 7 mln tonnes, the record high volume.

According to him, earlier this volume never exceeded 3 mln tonnes. So if the high yield forecasts of grain would be verified, the grain would appear under the open skies because the elevators in Ukraine have grain storage capacities only in the total volume of 30 mln tonnes.

L. Kozachenko considers that the reason for this situation is the limitation of grain export in the current season by the Government. In this relation UAC intends to send the open letter to the Ukrainian Government. And if their arguments are not heard, they would conduct the protest actions.

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