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30 July 2024



Ukraine, IMF to sign new memorandum on cooperation

A new memorandum of cooperation between Ukraine and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will be signed within two weeks, Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov has said on Wednesday.

He pointed to the agreements reached during the meeting of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych with IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn. "After the successful negotiations between President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Dominique Strauss-Kahn, we are beginning a two-week deadline for signing a memorandum on further cooperation between Ukraine and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)," Azarov emphasized. An IMF technical mission was working in Ukraine in March - April. IMF mission chief in Ukraine Thanos Arvanitis said that significant progress had been made in gaining mutual understanding between the parties during the mission's work with the Finance Ministry and the Fuel and Energy Ministry, and added that the situation with Naftogaz of Ukraine had significantly improved. Arvanitis also said that the mission backed the Ukrainian government's plans to limit Ukraine's budget deficit in 2010 to 6%. Arvanitis expressed support regarding the signing of a new cooperation agreement with the IMF, which he said would help the Ukrainian government to start implementing strategic reforms in the economy and the country's banking sector. The IMF's technical mission ended its work in Kyiv on April 1.



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