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27 July 2024



Ukraine: HydroMeteorological Center increased the forecast of grain production to 44.5-45 mln tonnes

 According to updated estimations of the HydroMeteorological Center of Ukraine, in 2011 the general grain production will total 44.5-45 mln tonnes, reported Tatyana Adamenko, Head of the agricultural department of the HydroMeteorological Center.

The previous forecast of the harvest totaled 43.2 mln tonnes, but the State Committee of land resources just provided the accurate data on the sowing areas, and because in the current year Ukraine significantly increased the sowing area under maize, and the crop sowings faced favorable weather conditions, the HydroMeteorological Center raised the forecast for the harvest to the level of 44.5-45 mln tonnes, said T.Adamenko.

As a reminder, on June 22 Nicholai Kulbida, Head of the Ukrainian HydroMeteorological Center, announced the forecast that Ukraine will harvest 42.5-44.5 mln tonnes of grains. The expert said that the weather conditions for the country is one of the most important factors forming the future harvest.

On June 29, T.Adamenko, Head of the agricultural department, reported that the present weather conditions essentially affected winter and spring wheat sowings by 10-20% in Kirovograd, Vinnitsa, Kiev, Cherkassy oblasts, most regions of Odessa and Nikolaev oblasts.


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