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16 July 2024



Ukraine has been placed into international comparison of Cash Crop producers within agri benchmark project

Ukraine has been placed into international comparison of Cash Crop producers within agri benchmark project

Ukrainian Agribusiness Club is participating in an international network of agricultural economists, called agri benchmark Cash Crop. The key idea of this project is benchmarking of arable farming systems worldwide. The annually published Cash Crop Report has just been released and reflects the whole scope of the agri benchmark outcome. It entails an overview of the more than 40 typical farms covered by the network. Furthermore it provides detailed information about cost of production and profitability of typical arable farms in wheat, corn and oilseeds. For the first time the competitiveness of palm oil production is compared with oilseeds.

Farm stories from selected countries improve the understanding of arable farming worldwide. The Cash Crop Report 2009 gives detailed insight into cash crop farming in Ukraine, Argentina, Czech Republic and Nebraska.

Furthermore, the report provides special studies on the background for high land rents in Denmark and about global durum wheat production.

Based on agri benchmark data the economics of investments in farms at different sites around the globe are analyzed. This new study in the report reflects the increasing interest of farmers as well as investment funds in acquiring arable land.

Increasing price volatilities are a concern to farmers worldwide. The report explores exemplary recent grain marketing innovations in UK.

The Cash Crop Report 2009 can be ordered at

Further details on conducted studies within four farms selected for comparison in Ukraine may be obtained from Ukrainian Agribusiness Club – the scientific partner of the global agri benchmark project. Besides Cash Crop we also cover Dairy sector and Beef production. The total number of Ukrainian farms have been selected for the international evaluation is 14, detailed information on which may be a strong basis for understanding Ukrainian agriculture for the interested parties worldwide. Contact person in UCAB is Inna Ilienko – national coordinator of the project.

Press centre of UCAB in cooperation with "von Thunen-Institute" (vTI, Germany).


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