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30 July 2024



Ukraine first on soybean acreages in Europe

Ukraine has beaten a kind of agrarian record as the country ranked first in Europe in terms of the area under soybean. This year the area under this crop can grow to 1 million hectares.

According to the acting President of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Victor Sytnyk, the existing acreages - more than 600,000 ha - make Ukrainian a leader in the volume of crops, and there is still a great potential for their enlargement.

The academician said that the popularity of soy has a positive effect for the entire rural economy, as this culture is an ideal predecessor for actually all crops.

In 2009, soybean harvest in Ukraine amounted to 1 million tons, the crop was harvested on the area of 628,000 ha. The yield capacity was 16.3 kg/ha against 2008 - 15.4 kg/ha.


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