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23 July 2024



Ukraine exports oil bearing cultures one third up over 2012/2013 marketing year - Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry

Since the beginning of 2012/2013 marketing year, as of January 21, 1.9 million tons of oil-bearing cultures were exported from Ukraine, which is 26.6% up against the same date of 2011/2012.

The press service of the Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry informed about this.

“As of January 21, 1.9 million tons of oil-bearing cultures were exported from Ukraine, including to foreign markets 1.1 million tons of rape was supplied (against 0.91 million tons in 2011/2012 marketing year), 0.8 million tons of soya (0.6 million tons). 75,500 tons of sunflower seeds (75,000 tons),” the agency informed.

In particular, according to the Ministry, since the beginning of 2013, Ukraine exported 0.32 million tons of oil-bearing cultures against 0.22 million tons in December.

To remind, according to a forecast of the branch ministry, export of oil-bearing cultures in 2012/2013 marketing year will increase to 2.7 million tons from 2.65 million tons in 2011/2012 marketing year.

At the same time, export of sunflower seeds is expected at 0.2 million tons, rape - 0.9 million tons and soya - at 1.6 million tons.


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