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19 July 2024



Ukraine exported 21.5 mln tons of grains

From the beginning of the current marketing year (MY, July 2008 - June 2009), and as of May 13, Ukraine exported 21.5 mln tons of grains, declared Yuri Melnik, the Minister of Agrarian Policy, on May 13.

The Minister also declared about plans of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy to review own grain forecast in the current year, taking into account the present weather conditions. According to him, the refined data will be declared next week.

As a reminder, previously the forecast the grain harvest of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy in the current year totaled 48 mln tons.

According to the State Committee of Statistics, in 2008 Ukraine harvested 53.3 mln tons of grains in clean weight, up 82% compared to 2007.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy expects for the grain exports in the current MY (July 2008 - June 2009) at the level of 25.6 mln tons. According to experts, during 10 months of the current MY, Ukraine exported over 21 mln tons of grains.

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