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23 July 2024



Ukraine: experts reduced the forecast of grain exports by 8.4%

In the current MY, the exports of grains from Ukraine will total 20.3 mln tonnes, as opposed to the previous forecast of 22.2 mln tonnes, declared the press-service of the interdepartmental working group of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, Ukrainian Grain Association and the State Statistics Service on August 17, 2012.
The total supply of grains in the current season will reach 56.76 mln tonnes, against 57.53 mln tonnes of the previous forecast.
Such index will be provided at the expense of the grain harvest in 2012 at the level of 45.5 mln tonnes (the previous forecast - 45.3 mln tonnes), the carry-over stocks of 11 mln tonnes (the previous one - 11.99 mln tonnes) and the imports of 0.22 mln tonnes (remained the same).
It is expected that as of July 1, 2013, the carry-over stocks of grains will total 7.7 mln tonnes, as opposed to the previous forecast of 6.66 mln tonnes.
The group estimated the domestic consumption of grains at 28.74 mln tonnes, while the previous forecast - 28.68 mln tonnes.
According to the supply and demand balances, the actual grain exports in July totaled 1.35 mln tonnes. In particular, Ukraine exported 349 thsd tonnes of wheat, 30 thsd tonnes of barley, 952 thsd tonnes of maize.
According to experts, the rational grain exports in August 2012 - June 2013 totals 18.96 mln tonnes, including 4.17 mln tonnes of wheat, 2.96 mln tonnes of barley, 11.2 mln tonnes of maize.
As a reminder, as of August 14 Ukraine harvested 25.3 mln tonnes of grains throughout 65% of the planned harvested areas. The average yield of grains in the country totaled 25.8 c/ha. 


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