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28 July 2024



Ukraine: delayed rains reduced the harvest of early grains – HydroMeteorological Center

Delayed rains reduced the average harvest volumes of early grains in Ukraine, but had rather positive impact at the condition of industrial crops sowings, reported Tatyana Adamenko, Head of the agricultural department of the HydroMeteorological Center of Ukraine, on July 4.

According to her, the department forms the official forecast of grain production on June 25, thus we expect for the general grain production at the level of 43 mln tonnes. The department updates the forecast on July 22, and T.Adamenko thinks that HydroMeteorological Center will reduce the forecast by nearly 1 mln tonnes.

According to her, the oblasts where rainfall was most intense faced the greatest losses of grain sowings. Kirovograd, Cherkassy, several areas of Kiev oblasts, northern regions of Nikolayev oblast, where the phenomenon was most intense, will face the harvest losses at the level of 15-20%, but it does not apply to the whole territory of Ukraine, T.Adamenko specified.

She also stressed that the recent rains provided good conditions for development of industrial crops, including maize, sunflower and sugar beet.


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