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31 July 2024



Ukraine could avoid grain export quotas - Tihipko

Ukraine could avoid imposing quotas on grain exports, despite a drought that has shrunk this year’s crop, Deputy Prime Minister Serhiy Tihipko said on Wednesday.

“It would be good if we could avoid imposing quotas [on grain exports],” he said. “However, if we do have to introduce quotas, we will say so openly.”

Russia has imposed an embargo on grain exports, including wheat, barley, rye and maize, from August 15 to December 31, following a drought and wildfires that have destroyed some 11 million hectares of crops. Forecasts for this year's harvest have fallen as low as 60 million tons, 38% less than last year.

Tihipko said that if Ukraine did have to introduce quotas, they would not affect all grains.

“[Quotas] will not apply to all types of grain.  Wheat and barley probably would be included,” he said.

He said Ukraine would not have a bread shortage, despite the drought.

The Ukrainian deputy premier said forecasts for this year’s grain harvest had dropped from 46 million tons 42 million tons.

“This is absolutely enough to ensure the country’s needs. It will also allow us to export approximately 15 million tons of grain,” he said.


RIA Novosti

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