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26 July 2024



Ukraine: Cabinet of Ministers is concerned about slow rates of grain exports – N.Prysiazhnyuk

The Cabinet of Ministers is concerned about slow rates of exports of grains and agricultural commodities in general, said Nikolai Prysiazhnyuk, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

According to him, Ukraine already produced 34 mln tonnes of new crop grains, which is rather significant index, the forecast for late crops are also good – the general grain harvest is expected within frames of 50 mln tonnes, but the Government is concerned that the export rates are slow, as the powerful competitors of Ukrainian agrarians continue conquering foreign markets.

N.Prysiazhnyuk also stressed the importance of working out the mechanism of providing of long-term credits to agrarians from the state banks to build new agricultural enterprises.


  • Baker TILLY
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