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31 July 2024



Ukraine : Ukraine plans to export 21mn tons of grain in 2010

Ukraine will export more than 21 million tons of grain in 2010, Minister of Agrarian Policy Mykola Prysiazhniuk predicts.

"As referred to this year's grain harvest, we expect about 45-45.5 million tons, this is at the level of last year," the minister said.

According to him, with ending stock taken into account, it would let sell almost half of the total crop. "We are planning and want to sell more than 21 million tons," he stressed.

Speaking about the production of sugar, the minister noted that this year its overproduction will be about 400,000-500,000 tons. In this regard, he believes that the main objective of Ukraine is to enter the external markets for Ukrainian sugar.

As UKRINFORM reported, in general over 5 months of 2010 Ukraine has exported agricultural products worth USD 3.7 billion, 4% up over the same period in 2009.

In particular, the country increased exports of meat and meat products by 1.9 times, milk - 1.7, vegetable oil - 1.4, tobacco and its products - by 11%, sugar - 10%.

The foreign trade balance is positive and makes USD 1.3 billion, the minister underscored.


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