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31 July 2024



Ukraine : Ukraine one step closer to receiving EBRD loan

Ukraine is one step closer to receiving a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which will go towards funding a EUR 1.45 billion programme to improve nuclear safety.

Energoatom, operator of fifteen reactors in Ukraine, said in August that its summary programme for improving nuclear safety in the country had been approved by the regulator and international organization RISKAUDIT.

The programme, costing EUR 1.45 billion cover modernization and safety improvements to extend the lifetimes of Ukraine s operating nuclear power plants. It includes recommendations from the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as from operator Energoatom.

Energoatom has been working on a loan deal with EBRD since 2009. The development bank loan, if approved, will cover up to 70% of the project costs.


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