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30 July 2024



Ukraine: 85% of winter grain sowings show good and satisfactory condition

According to preliminary data of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, 85% of winter grains sowings in Ukraine show good and satisfactory condition from the general winter sowing areas of 8.6 mln ha, remaining 15% of the sowing areas are estimated as week and thinned, included nearly 3% of perished winter grain sowing areas, informed Nikolay Prysyashnuk, the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, on April 9.

According to the Minister, agrarians will have to resow nearly 1 mln ha of winter crops sowing areas, including 500 thsd ha of winter grains and nearly 400 thsd ha of rapeseed. Poltava, Sumy, Donetsk and Kharkiv oblasts have the majority of such agricultural sowings.

According to N.Prysyashnuk, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea provided the sowing campaign of early grains and leguminous plants throughout the area of 87.6 thsd ha (146% of the forecasted areas), Odessa oblast – 99%, Kherson oblast – 85%, Nikolaev oblast – 84% and Zaporizhzhya oblast – 86%. The general spring sowing areas for the harvest-2010 will total 26.9 mln ha, which exceeds the last year indices.

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