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25 July 2024



Ukraine 2009 grain crop at 48.2 million tonnes

Ukraine's farms have almost completed the 2009 grain harvest, threshing 48.2 million tonnes of grain bunker weight as of December 8, UkrAgroConsult agriculture consultancy quoted official data as showing on Wednesday. Ukraine harvested a record 53.3 million tonnes of grain bunker weight in 2008.
"According to agriculture ministry, 48.2 million tonnes of grains were harvested, including 10.4 million of maize by December 8," UkrAgroConsult said in a report. The consultancy said it saw the 2009 grain harvest at 44.4 million tonnes, including 20.8 million of wheat, 11.3 million of barley and 9.5 million of maize.


  • Baker TILLY
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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