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14 March 2025



UCAB calls the Government to speed up the registration of plant protection products

UCAB calls the Government to speed up the registration of plant protection products

In an open letter to the Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman, the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness club" and the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine called the Government to solve the problem of restoring the state registration of new plant protection products immediately.

Besides, it is noted in the letter that frequent outages and significant delays are observing in the process of state registration of plant protection products during 2015-2016 years. Nowadays the process has stopped completely.

The statement also says that the above-mentioned problems mainly arise at the stage of approval of hygienic norms and regulations of safe use of pesticides and agrochemicals. The procedure of approval of sanitary regulations and standards is not clearly resolved and registered.

The procedure of approval of sanitary regulations and standards is not clearly settled and registered. Moreover, in practice, it suddenly experienced a significant changes at the end of 2015, which led to an ambiguous interpretation of the order of approval the above-mentioned documents and its excessive bureaucratization, uncertainty in the distribution of powers and responsibilities between the state authorities and, consequently, significant violations of terms stipulated by the law and full braking of the process.       

Therefore, the current situation in the sphere of state registration of new plant protection products goes in opposition with the policy of deregulation that was announced by the government. It largely damages the business climate because of the unpredictability of government processes, makes it difficult to conduct business in the agricultural sector and cause particular concern both from international investors and domestic agricultural sector, the success of which directly depends on the latest crop protection technologies.

Therefore, paying government`s attention on the above-mentioned problem, we call for the immediate resumption of the process of state registration of new plant protection products and elimination of the system problems in this strategically important for Ukraine agricultural sector.                


Ukrainian Agribusiness Club

Str. Zhylianska, 146, fl. 3

01032 Kiev, Ukraine

Tel / fax: +380 44 236 20 97

[email protected]

Zoryana Goshovska


The Ukrainian Agribusiness Club Association (UCAB) was founded in 2007 to defend the economic and professional interests of agribusiness players in Ukraine. The UCAB is a unique Ukrainian platform for leaders of agribusiness to establish business contacts and improve their cooperation and the dialogue with the government. The UCAB actively supports Ukrainian producers in establishing and maintaining international business relations. The Association consists of the largest producers and processors of agricultural products in Ukraine.

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