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17 July 2024



UCAB and Sociedade Rural Brasileira signed a memorandum on cooperation

Sociedade Rural Brasileira UCAB

Association Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) and Sociedade Rural Brasileira (SRB) signed a memorandum on cooperation during the VII International Conference Large Farm Management.

Both associations represent a large quantity of Ukrainian and Brazilian entrepreneurs in agriculture, so cooperation agreement aims to establish economic contacts and promote the experiences exchange between countries. Signatories say that memorandum aims to establish cooperation between organizations to solve economic issues.
"Ukraine and Brazil are very similar countries in terms of starting point in agricultural development. Brazil had had similar problems before it became strong agricultural country. In order to consolidate these intentions we are signing the memorandum. It is important for Ukraine to exchange experience with Brazil in management and concerning implementing reforms. In frames of cooperation common arrangements and visits are also planned " - said Alex Lissitsa, president of the Association Ukrainian Agribusiness Club.

"Our cooperation involves the exchanging of knowledge, experience and the latest technologies. We are very pleased to have such partner as UCAB in Ukraine. We are two strong agricultural countries, and this memorandum is a step towards open dialogue and opportunities to learn from each other. For example, we are planning a work trip to Brazil to discuss biotech aspects of the agribusiness, and we are ready to organize meetings in our country because we are completely open for cooperation ", - said Gustavo Junqueira, president of Sociedade Rural Brasileira (SRB). 

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