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18 July 2024



In 2017 harvest of winter crops can reach 29 million tons

 harvest of winter crops

Favorable weather conditions during the autumn sowing campaign as well as ordinary course of seeds wintering create positive conditions for development of winter crops.

The areas under winter crops foreseen for the harvest of 2017 are about 7.2 million ha that practically corresponds to the indices of previous year. Therefore, the yield of winter crops can reach 29 million tons. It's worth noting that the areas under rye increased up to 156 thousand ha, that is by 11% more than indices of the previous years. Within the last 5 years the annual decrease of this crop production was observed.

The areas under winter rapeseed compared to 2016 increased by 73% and accounted to 845 thousand ha that almost corresponds to index of 2015. Such increase is stipulated by the significant insufficient sowing of rapeseed for harvest of 2016 due to dry weather conditions during sowing. Taking into consideration expansion of the cropped lands, production of 1.8 million tons of rapeseed can be expected, that is by 690 thousand tons more than the previous years’ indices. 

More information about technological and economic aspects of growing, export and processing of winter crops can be obtained at Winter Grain Congress which will take place on 28 February at Ramada Encore Kyiv. The event held by the Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’ together with AgriEvent Agency is dedicated to practical aspects of the production of winter crops and is focused on developing and improving efficiency of the agriculture in Ukraine. Format of the event envisages discussion about effectiveness of various technologies in agricultural production as well as review of innovative solutions and features of the resource provisions.

Details can be found following the link


*This is preliminary forecast to be adjusted during carrying out field works, formation and maturation of the harvest. You can follow changes on website of the Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’ (UCAB) as well as in the monthly reviews of grain crops and oilseeds markets

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