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17 July 2024



Current year losses of winter crops are record low over the past decade

Current year losses of winter crops are record low over the past decade

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, current year losses of winter crops are record low over the past 10 years. In winter period of 2016/2017 marketing year only 0.4% (25.5 thous. ha) of winter crops were ruined by frost out of the total area sown by winter crops (7,175.1 thous. ha). Losses of wheat and triticale amounted to 0.3%, rye - 0.1%, barley - 1.1% and rapeseed - 5.8%.

On the average in winter Ukrainian farmers annually loose from 3 and 7% of winter crops. In addition, this year out of 99.6% of the kept winter crops 89% are in good and satisfactory condition, and 10.6% of the areas under winter crops have weak and thinned emerging crops. The most affected crops are rapeseed (14.3%) and barley (13.6%) – the kept crops have weak and thinned growth above the ground. Wheat and triticale (10.3%) as well as rye (8.3%) have minor losses.

  • Baker TILLY
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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