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17 July 2024



The use of modern information technologies saves up to 50% of primary resources

Modern information and resource-saving technologies in crop production help to increase yield productivity, shorten the period of spring field works and significantly reduce the use of agricultural machinery, fertilizers, fuel and lubricants. This is shown by the example of LLC "Druzhba-Nova" by its CEO Serhiy Haidai.

According to him, a systematic approach to the use of innovative resource-saving technologies and sustainable land use is successfully implemented by the enterprise for quite a long time. "For many years, we have been continuously developing and implementing innovative technological solutions, which help to optimize agrotechnical processes in the crop production. For this purpose we study the advanced domestic and foreign experience. A special place is occupied by the information and resource-saving technologies, which provide a significant increase in the level of efficiency of agricultural production, "- said Serhiy Haidai.

In particular, according to CEO of "Druzhba-Nova" company, only the differentiated application of compensative norms of nitrogen fertilizers for mineralization of plant matter on the area of 1.5 thousand hectares allows to save more than 200 thousand UAH and to distribute fertilizers on the field rationally. Technology of variable seeding and automatic control of coulters at the expense of optimization of the density of planting increased the yield of corn to 20% and saved seed grains at the expense of absence of overlap and overcrowding of plants to 15%, depending on the configuration of the field. Tillage with simultaneous differentiated locally- band application of 4 types of fertilizers would reduce the cost of basic fertilizers to 50% compared to stray application. However, simultaneous tillage, fertilizing and seeding saves about 40% of fuel and lubricants in comparison with minimum till technology.

"In addition to reduction of material costs, the implementation of elements of precision farming reduced the inefficient use of agricultural chemicals, increased the crop productivity on each field and simultaneously improved the soil fertility", - Haidai added.

UCAB is pretty sure that there are no alternatives in agricultural production at this stage. Indeed, under the conditions of growing population and increase of agricultural production, it is impossible to do agribusiness without the use of elements of precision farming and other technologies that allow to minimize resource and material costs and improve the efficiency of agriculture.

"The main criteria for the successful doing of agribusiness are financial and economic indicators. Therefore, for effective farm management under today's conditions, the innovative technologies are needed to ensure not only the increase of yield productivity but also optimize production costs ", - says the President of the Association" Ukrainian Agribusiness Club "Alex Lissitsa.

More detailed information about economical use of resources at the expense of  the use of precision farming technologies and other innovations will be provided by the leading international and national experts during the II International Conference on the basis of "Druzhba-Nova" company "Systematic Approach in Implementation of Information and Resource-Saving Technologies in Crop Production" that will be held on 5-6 October 2012. Details at  or by (044) 272-23-28, (044) 272-16-11.

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