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17 July 2024



The rate of wheat export declined

Since the beginning of the 2017/2018 marketing year, as at January 1, wheat exports from Ukraine decreased by 800 thous. tons compared to the same period last year and amounted to 11.2 mln tons.

The decline in exports concerned mainly the food wheat. If last season the shipments of wheat of 1-3 grades as at January 1 amounted to 7 mln tons, then this year - 6.2 mln tons. The highest rates of grain exports traditionally occur in August-October, and gradually decline during the coming months till the start of the new season. The same trend is apparent in 2017. However, the volumes of wheat shipments slowed somewhat. If in August 2016 wheat exports amounted to 3,05 mln tons, then in 2017 - 2,5 mln tons, which is 550 thous. tons less than last year's figure.


Data: State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Already traditionally for Ukrainian cereals the wheat from the Russian Federation is the main competitor on the world market and fast-growing markets of the Central Asia countries, East and North Africa. According to preliminary data, the record volumes of wheat were collected in Russia in 2017 - 85.8 mln tons. The share of milling wheat in Russia from the total production on average is 65-80%, while in Ukraine - 50-70%.

For more information on export and domestic prices, volumes of shipments to foreign markets and market conditions for cereals and oilseeds, read the review.

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