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21 July 2024



Sunflower oil exports from Ukraine grew by 58.5%

In 2008/09 MY, sunflower oil export volumes from Ukraine increased by 58.5% compared to the previous season – to 2.1 mln tonnes at the sum of 1.57 bln USD, declared the Ministry of Agrarian Policy on September 25.

Ukraine supplied the majority of sunflower oil volumes to India, Turkey and Egypt. According to Stepan Kaphuk, the general director of the association “Ukrolyaprom”, the index became the absolute record in the history of the country. Last MY, sunflower seed export volumes increased by 10.1 times – to 769 thsd tonnes at the sum of 191.8 mln USD. Ukraine provided oil supplies mainly to the countries of the EU, Pakistan, Turkey and Greece.

In the current year, sunflower oil exports from Ukraine will become even higher compared to the last MY, forecasted Yaroslav Gadzalo, the Deputy Minister of agrarian Policy.

According to Yuri Davydov, the general director of the industrial group “Creative”, last year, agricultural producers reduced sunflower sowing areas due to the crisis, and the harvest will become lower.

In the current MY, sunflower oil export volumes will decrease by 10-15%. To date, the export rates show stable high level, marked the group “German-Ukrainian agrarian dialog”.

According to experts, sunflower oil experts is rather attractive direction for investors, and in the current year large-scale players will deal with the market sector. According to Y.Davydov, the company Glencore (one of the largest exporters of grains from Ukraine), and American company ADM are interested in widening of sunflower oil exports.

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