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20 July 2024



Sugar production from 2009 beet yield to reduce to 1.2-1.3mln tons

Sugar beet production in the new marketing year in Ukraine (marketing year, September 2009/August 2010) will make up 1.2-1.3 million tons, 23.8-17.4% less against the 2008/2009 marketing year, the National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine Ukrtsukor considers.
At the same time, the Association believes that reduction of production will not bring to a sugar deficit, taking into consideration the expected carry-over stocks as of September 1, 2009, to the volume of almost 570 thousand tons and the planned import in 2010 within the frames of the quota of 260 thousand tons of raw cane-sugar.
Sugar plants are planning to process 12-13 million tons of sugar beet in the current year. In the new season 64 enterprises will produce beet sugar instead of the planned 70 plants.
Ukraine produced 1,574 million tons of sugar from sugar beet of the 2008 yield, 15.3% less against the previous season. A gross yield of sugar beet in Ukraine reduced last year by 19.2% tо 13.7 million tons.
The Ukrainian sugar market capacity is estimated by experts at 1.8-2 million tons a year.

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