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22 July 2024



State Agency of Land Resources makes public new draft law on farm lands

  The State Agency of Land Resources made public the draft law “On Farm Land Turnover,” which over three months has been revised at the agency with participation of business representatives. The State Agency of Land Resources told Ukrinform about this.

“The project now should be coordinated by the ministries, in order that in September it was submitted to the parliament,” deputy head of the market management and land assessment department of the State Agency of Land Resources Yuriy Nykytenko explained.

According to him, in the new wording of the document, reduction of possibility of speculative land sale is envisaged. In particular, in the repeated alienation of land plots a differentiated rate of state duty will operate for attestation of the purchase/sale agreement.

Over the first year of the land alienation, one has to pay 100% of its normative money value (the average norm is UAH 20,000/ha), from the second to the 10th year, the payment will reduce by 10 percentage points - from 90% to 10% of the norm. An initial  attestation of the purchase/sale agreement will not be 1% of the agreement amount, but 1% of the lands appraised value.

The government also decided to protect tenant farmers. In case of termination of the rent agreement, the landlord will not hamper harvesting, and in case damage is inflicted, he/she will compensate for the missed profit fivefold. “Let this norm be, it will not hamper anyone,” Director General of the Industrial Milk Company Alex Lissitsa commented on this provision in this way.

 By the way, the norms on revision of rent rates disappeared from the draft law (on raising the minimum rate to 3%) and introduction of a duty for development of the farm land infrastructure at 1% of the lands assessment value. Those provisions will be included into a special draft law.

To remind, the deputies several times blocked consideration and adoption of this draft law. In 2011, the government draft law has been turned down. And the draft law by Hryhoriy Kaletnik was removed from consideration at the stage of the second reading. As a result, the deputies decided at the end of 2012 to prolong a moratorium for the sale of farm lands until 2016.


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