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28 July 2024



Snowfalls will bring good harvest - UkrAgroConsulting

Heavy snowfalls, which have brought about a lot of troubles on Ukraine, will appear to be of use in the summer. Exactly thanks to them the harvest of winter crops is expected to be rather good. The agricultural output this year may grow 3%, predicts Kateryna Malyshko, analyst with the UkrAgroConsulting company.
The expert says 8.557 million hectares were sown to winter crops last year.
"8.545 million hectares came up, and 89.7% of the acreage is in a good condition," Malyshko said.
Mykola Ivchenko, head of the Forex Club information-analytical center, also says Ukraine is in for a good grain harvest in 2010 the third year in a row.
"This is a rather good support for the Ukrainian economy," he said adding in December the export of farm produce (in the first place grain crops) brought to Ukraine USD 1 billion, compared to USD 1.176 billion brought by the export of metals.
In Ivchenko's opinion, agricultural output may grow 3-3.5% in 2010 against 2009.


  • Baker TILLY
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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