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14 March 2025



Syngenta held a charity exhibition to support children with disabilities

A charity exhibition fair of children’s works ‘Workshop of Dreams’ initiated by the leading international company ‘Syngenta’ together with a gallery of modern art ‘Garna Gallery’ took place on 22 December 2016. Pupils of creative studio ‘DIMFO’, which educates children with disabilities, showed their works.

In the run-up to the New Year holidays organizers decided to give a little miracle for children with disabilities. They managed to combine useful with pleasant, since not only the children presented results of their creative work, but the charity fundraising from the sale of paintings, postcards and souvenirs for the needs of kids was organized as a part of the event. During exhibition young artists presented their works, talking with visitors and sharing their thoughts about the art.

According to Aliona Fedko, Manager of Corporate Projects and Internal Communications of Syngenta in Ukraine, the main purpose of the charity art project was to give children an opportunity to feel like creative personalities. ‘It is essential to convey an understanding that others are interested in them foremost not because they are special and need some special treatment, but owing to their ability to surprise the world with their skills, talent and creativity’.

Alla Tetervachuk, Head of Creative Studio ‘DIMFO’ advised about an importance of exhibition fair of children's works ‘Workshop of Dreams’: ‘Human life should be the priority and, therefore, this project is extremely important. We are very grateful to the socially responsible companies that undertake such obligations as taking care of children with health problems, and are not afraid at all to raise these serious issues. This is a great work that deserves respect. Our creative studio responded to this proposal with pleasure.’

Mrs. Alla also shared how the preparation for the event was arranged: ‘We thoroughly prepared with children for the event, exhibited works of at least 50 participants. We also decided to put on a short concert number and prepared Christmas boxes to create Christmas atmosphere. Out of the collected funds we are planning to purchase materials for the next year. It is essential that every child participating in the event was encouraged. These projects are extremely important first and foremost because they enable these special kids to show their creativity. Everything has its logical extension, if the picture has been painted, it should be seen by the audience. Within the framework of the project ‘Workshop of Dreams’ it is a whole exhibition where young artists will be able to understand that they are not alone in their complicated world. Owing to such projects kids will also realize that it is necessary to work in order to achieve any goal, and every work will never go unnoticed’.

The exhibition was held at the gallery of modern Art ‘Garna Gallery’. Tetiana Tanska, co-owner of the gallery, told us what goals were set upon agreeing to cooperate in the project: ‘It's very important for us to participate in social projects, in particular when it concerns children, especially when these children are talented and strive to succeed in their life. Every day, every minute for these children it's a hard work and struggle, and, therefore, we need to support them’.

Tetiana Tanska stressed that the organizers wanted to draw public attention to the unfair attitude towards special people in the country: ‘We live in the same city, country, breathe the same air and walk the same streets, but somehow do not notice the problems of others. We do not talk about compassion, it refers to apprehension and respect’.

For reference: At the beginning of 2016 the quantity of children with disabilities reached 153,547 or 5.9% of the total child population (8 million). According to results of the national survey, only half of the people believes that Ukrainian society is tolerant towards children with special needs, and third of all respondents considers that a child with disability cannot receive adequate care in his/her family, so it will be better for him/her to live in a specialized orphanage. 

Pursuant to the research conducted by UNICEF, there is a low level of tolerance for children with disabilities in Ukraine that do not conform with the European civilized attitude. In European countries the social entrepreneurship is defined predominantly as a business with a social mission. On contrast to the conventional entrepreneurship, social aspect or the social impact of business activity stands first and then financial productivity comes. As of today, the companies in Ukraine are of only standing on the path of social responsibility, inter alia through charitable projects. Hence, assistance to disabled children became the highest priority area - 69%.

According to the data of UNICEF Global Disease Report there are 95 million (5.1%) children with special needs throughout the world including 13 million (0.7%) with "severe disability".


About Syngentа

Syngenta is a leading agriculture company helping to improve global food security by enabling millions of farmers to make better use of available resources.

Through world class science and innovative crop solutions, 28,000 people in over 90 countries are working to transform how crops are grown.

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