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25 July 2024



Separate customs areas may be created in Ukraine

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko stands for the creation of separate customs territories for the "most promising regions".
She disclosed this during a congress of the Association of Rural Councils on Monday.
It is proposed to call as "promising" the regions once considered as depressive and thus having been given budget subsidies.
The government is planning that the export of goods and services from those territories abroad will proceed at a zero duty.
"I met with a hundred of investors ready to bring their money to those regions," Tymoshenko said.
The government, as she put it, will insist on taking only two taxes, land rent and income tax, in the territory of those "promising regions".
The government will examine the relevant draft law soon, and decide on tabling it in parliament, Tymoshenko said.
In June 2009, the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine adopted the law introducing the "depressive territory" notion and classifying those territories.


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