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26 July 2024



Sea ports of Russia increased grain shipment by 2.5 times

During eleven months of 2009, the cargo flow of sea ports of Russia increased by 9% compared to the same period of the previous year, to 454 mln tonnes. Dry cargoes shipment totaled 181.9 mln tonnes (up 2.6%), bulk cargoes – 272.1 mln tonnes (up 13.7%), declared the Association of sea trading ports of Russia.

Shipment volumes of export cargoes increased by 12% compared to the same period of the previous year, to the level of 352.1 mln tonnes, including 19.2 mln tonnes of grains (up 2.5 times), 210.4 mln tonnes of bulk cargoes (up 9.3%). Export volumes of mineral fertilizers lowered by 20.7% – to 8.9 mln tonnes.

Shipment volumes of import cargoes reduced by 37.3% and totaled 24.8 mln tonnes, including container cargoes – down 37% to 11.5 mln tonnes, general cargoes – down 44.3% to 6.5 mln tonnes.

Shipment volumes of transit cargoes through Russian sea ports grow by 15% compared to same period of the previous year, to 41.1 mln tonnes. Coasting trade shipment volumes increased by 1.3 times.

Cargo shipment in the sea ports of the North-Western basin totaled 204.6 mln tonnes (up 3.9%), including dry cargoes – 68.8 mln tonnes (down 14.3%), bulk cargoes – 135.8 mln tonnes (up 16.4%). The cargo flow of Bolshoy port of Saint-Petersburg decreased by 17.1% – to 46.6 mln tonnes, Kalinigrad port – down 21.6%, to 11.2 mln tonnes. The cargo flow of Primorsk port grew by 5.8% and totaled 72.3 mln tonnes, Murmansk port – up 32.1%, to 34.2 mln tonnes, Ust-Luga port – up 48.8%, to 9.2 mln tonnes, Vysotsk port – up 9.6%, to 16 mln tonnes.

The Southern basin ports shipped 165.1 mln tonnes of cargoes (up 13.5%), including dry cargoes – 58.8 mln tonnes (up 29.1%), bulk – 106.3 mln tonnes (up 6.4%). Sea terminals of Novorossiysk shipped over 112.5 mln tonnes (up 9.1%). Tuapse port lowered cargo shipment to the level of 16.8 mln tonnes (down 6%).

The Far East basin ports processed 84.3 mln tonnes (up 13.4%), including dry cargoes – 54.3 mln tonnes (up 5.2%), bulk – 30 mln tonnes (up 32%).

  • Baker TILLY
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  • Limagrain
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  • Maschionet
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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