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18 July 2024



Russian economics to decrease in real means

In 2009, Russian economics with existing volume of 1.3 trln RUR (36.3 bln USD) will decrease in real means at the first time after the crisis of 1998-1999. The new study of Standard & Poor's "Russian economics: the anatomy of crisis" analyses the reasons of the current economic crisis in Russia and the factors, which could help Russian economics to overcome the crisis. 

In the current year, the export share in the Gross Domestic Product would decrease to one fourth of the total volume of production compared to one third volume in 2008, but the decrease in real means will be lower. The market also has other factors, which could compensate the negative influence. During the decrease of prices for real estate and securities, the decrease of large number of owners of the assets should soften the blow at the general consumer sphere. 

Russia should stimulate substitution of import commodities by domestic ones and support the growth of exchange rate. According to Franklin Gill, the credit analyst of Standard & Poor's, Russia should find the way to restore the steady proficit of financial account, which will allow to renew investment activity.


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