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18 July 2024



Russian economics can overcome the crisis at the end of 2009

Russian economics have all chances to overcome the crisis at the end of 2009, declared Alexander Shohin, the president of the Russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs.

According to him, the event will take place in the forth quarter of the current year or at the beginning of the following year. Russia has an opportunity to stabilize own economics from recession processes and raise own economics at the end of the year, marked the specialist.

The union expects that the world economics will start restoring as soon as possible. If the prices for the products of Russian origin have rather high level, export-oriented industries and other spheres of Russian economics will receive strong impulse, explained A.Shohin.

According to A.Shohin, the domestic business should concentrate on supporting of Russian economics, stimulating of the domestic demand, and investing.



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  • Maschionet
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  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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