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22 July 2024



Russia will reduce the area under sugar beet planting

 This year, Russia will reduce the landing area of ​​industrial sugar beet by 21%. In 2013 th under this crop would take only 900,000 hectares, which is almost a quarter less than in 2012, and 30% less than in 2011. 

Thus, the beet field index continues to approach the year 2005, when, under the landing of raw sugar was given 805,000 acres and produced about 2.5 million tons of finished products.

This trend is common to all regions, growing this culture. Only in the Southern Federal District area is reduced by 25%, and in the Krasnodar region area was reduced from 194 hectares to fifteen hundred. 
The main reason for the reduction of beet crop was an unfortunate situation of sugar industry. Low cost of the final product and increasing costs for beet cultivation in recent years struck the profitability.


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