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22 July 2024



Russia, Ukraine agree post-crisis cooperation on joint mkts

Russia and Ukraine have agreed to create a post-crisis model of cooperation on joint markets, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pyotr Poroshenko said after talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Friday.
"Today we can say objectively that we have agreed on creating a post-crisis model of our countries' post-crisis cooperation on the joint markets," Poroshenko said in a live interview on the Ekho Moskvy radio station. "I do not rule out that this may develop into joint actions on the markets of third countries on a whole range of groups of commodities, although we have not gone that far yet."
"We agreed on a rather large set of economic issues. We have to state with regret that today the range of Russia's restrictive measures against Ukrainian goods is rather significant. In this particular case we agreed that we shall not just create conditions for the observance of the previously achieved agreements to terminate those restrictions. New restrictions, should there be any in case of uncompetitive behavior by economic entities, will be scrutinized by both sides and the appropriate response will follow."
"The parties have declared the existence of the political will to demonstrate progress in this respect. I am certain that we shall be able to demonstrate that progress by the forthcoming meeting of the economic committee under our prime ministers," Poroshenko said.
He added that "an absolutely equitable model of behavior will be demonstrated by the Ukrainian side in terms of lifting restrictions from the access of Russian goods to the Ukrainian market - chemical fertilizers, railway equipment, motor vehicles and farm produce.


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