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26 July 2024



Russia to purchase 1.5-2 mln tonnes of grains to the intervention fund – E.Skrynnik

In the current agricultural year Russia plans to purchase 1.5-2 mln tonnes of grains to the state fund within the intervention frames, said Elena Skrynnik, Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

She confirmed the forecast of the Ministry of Agriculture on grain exports from the country in 2011-2012 marketing season at the level of 20 mln tonnes of grains.

The country will export grains to the traditional directions - Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey - these contracts were managed to keep, said E.Skrynnik, adding that the domestic agricultural producers rely on contracts with the countries of East Asia.

The Minister said that mainly grains, grown in the Southern and the North Caucasian Federal Districts form the export structure, and grains from the Central and Volga Districts form the domestic consumption.

According to her, to date it is a very good situation for export trading with grains, the average contract price totals 292 USD/t.

At the same time, she acknowledged that the situation with the purchasing prices for grains on the domestic market is worse, because the average purchasing price totals 5.2 thsd RUR/t.


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