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21 July 2024



Russia. RAD winter sowings almost completed

PAVA daughter company RAD reported that sowings of winter crops are nearing completion. In this campaign, wheat and rye were planted by RAD’s farming units in Kamensky and Solton districts, using the majority of seeding material from the company’s own production, and purchasing a variety of elite sorts for the remaining part.
This year, the grain processor expanded winter wheat acreage. “Considering current price situation and outlook on the crop market, we shifted the emphasis on wheat for 2009/10 season. Although, this year’s harvest has shown that on a number of fields RAD was able to boost rye yield up to 70 hundredweight per ha”, RAD Director General has commented.
Fields of the company are cultivated with modern Western machinery, including sowing complexes from Salford and Morris; and RAD is conducting gradual transition to no-till method among other advanced agronomic techniques.
RAD OJSC is a farming subsidiary of PAVA intending to become a leading producer of agricultural commodities, supplied to domestic and overseas markets. The company aims to increase land bank, currently standing at 160,000 ha and boost grain output through efficient farming.


  • Baker TILLY
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  • Maschionet
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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