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19 July 2024



Russia broke the absolute record of grain export volumes

From the beginning of the current agricultural year (from July 1, 2008) Russia shipped abroad over 17 mln tons of grains, and broke the historic record of grain exports, declared Arcadiy Zlochevskiy, the president of Russian grain union, on May 12. According to him, the export volumes will exceed the level of 20 mln tons till July 1, and even reach the level of 21 mln tons.

The previous record rate totaled 16 mln tons, and was broken in 2002/03 agricultural year. Last agricultural year (July 1, 2007, - June 30, 2008), the exports totaled 13.6 mln tons.

The reached export indices have already exceeded the reference points of the governmental program "Development of agriculture for the period of 2008-2012" and the program-2020. Thus, the crisis, which affected several industries and broke the plans of many economies, could not damage grain exports.

According to A.Zlochevskiy, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Morocco and other countries (nearly 60) became the main importer of Russian grains. To date, Russia takes the fourth place among the world exporters of grains after the USA, the European Union and Canada. The country plans to take the second place in the nearest future.

In the current year, Russia launched grain supplies to such untraditional market as Japan. Also, the country takes negotiations about supplies of Russian grains with Brazil. Russian grain will be able to replace Argentine grains on Brazilian market.

  • Baker TILLY
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