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21 July 2024



Russia to buy $15bln in Ukrainian bonds

Russia to buy $15bln in Ukrainian bonds

The Russian government has decided to place in Ukrainian bonds part of the reserves of the Russian National Wealth Fund (NWF) worth USD 15 billion.

Russian President Vladimir Putin told this to reporters after a meeting of the Ukrainian-Russian interstate commission on Tuesday in Moscow.

"For the purpose of supporting the Ukrainian budget the Russian government has made a decision to invest part of the national welfare fund in an amount of 15 billion dollars in Ukrainian government securities," he said.

This amount is comparable to the amount of funds allocated from the NWF for Russian infrastructure projects.

Also, Ukraine's Naftogaz and Russia's Gazprom have agreed on the price of natural gas at USD 268.5 per 1,000 cubic meters.

This is stated in an addition to the contract concerning the purchase of Russian gas, its delivery, amount, and transit terms of January 19, 2009 between Gazprom and Naftogaz, which was signed by the sides after a meeting of the Ukrainian-Russian interstate commission.



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